PNW Falling Numbers

Falling numbers for soft white spring wheat from the 2019 WSU Trials by variety

11PN2532-195CL2 AP Coachman (08PN2001-07) AP Mondovi CL2 (11PN2532-507CL2) Diva
JD Louise Melba Ryan
SY Saltese Seahawk Tekoa USDA Lori
WA 8295 CL+ WA 8297 CL+ WA 8303 CL+ WA 8311 CL+
WA 8312 WA 8313 CL+ WB-1035CL+ WB6121
WB6341 Whit YS-603
Club varieties are in italics. A falling number 300 or larger is indicated by a green bar; a falling number between 250 and 299 is indicated by a yellow bar; and a falling number less than 250 is indicated by a red bar. The number of data points used to generate the falling number by averaging is displayed inside the bar. Vertical lines have been drawn at 250 and 300 for reference. The black dot
indicates the average soft white spring wheat falling number at that location. The blue shaded squares next to locations refer to precipitation zones:
means more than 20 inches or irrigated;
means 16-20 inches;
means 12-16 inches;
means less than 12 inches.


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AP Coachman (08PN2001-07):

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AP Mondovi CL2 (11PN2532-507CL2):

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SY Saltese:

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USDA Lori:

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WA 8295 CL+:

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WA 8297 CL+:

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WA 8303 CL+:

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WA 8311 CL+:

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WA 8312:

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WA 8313 CL+:

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