PNW Falling Numbers

Falling numbers for winter Clearfield and CoAXium wheat from the 2023 WSU Trials by variety

09PN118-02 CL2 Appleby CL+ Battle AX CPX69217
Curiosity CL+ Kivari AX LCS Dagger AX LCS Eclipse AX
LCS Helix AX LCS Hydra AX LCS Kraken AX LCS Shine
LWWA19-0287 LWWA19-0291 LWWA19-0293 LWWA19-0294
LWWC21-5070 Mela CL+ OR2200083CL+ ORI2190025CL+
ORI2190027CL+ Piranha CL+ Resilience CL+ Sockeye CL+
Stingray CL+ UI Magic CL+ UIL 17-7706 CL+ VI Presto CL+
VI Voodoo CL+ WA8345 AX WA8346 AX WA8347 AX
WA8348 AX WA8349 AX WB4510CLP
Club varieties are in italics. A falling number 300 or larger is indicated by a green bar; a falling number between 250 and 299 is indicated by a yellow bar; and a falling number less than 250 is indicated by a red bar. The number of data points used to generate the falling number by averaging is displayed inside the bar. Vertical lines have been drawn at 250 and 300 for reference. The black dot
indicates the average soft winter wheat falling number at that location. The blue shaded squares next to locations refer to precipitation zones:
means more than 20 inches or irrigated;
means 16-20 inches;
means 12-16 inches;
means less than 12 inches.

09PN118-02 CL2:

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Appleby CL+:

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Battle AX:

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Curiosity CL+:

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Kivari AX:

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LCS Dagger AX:

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LCS Eclipse AX:

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LCS Helix AX:

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LCS Hydra AX:

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LCS Kraken AX:

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LCS Shine:

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Mela CL+:

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Piranha CL+:

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Resilience CL+:

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Sockeye CL+:

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Stingray CL+:

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UI Magic CL+:

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UIL 17-7706 CL+:

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VI Presto CL+:

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VI Voodoo CL+:

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WA8345 AX:

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WA8346 AX:

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WA8347 AX:

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WA8348 AX:

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WA8349 AX:

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